Thursday, October 28, 2010

I Guess I Have a Blog Now

So I’m not sure if I’m interesting anymore. I hate when I’m catching up with someone and they say “So, what’s new?” and I give a lametastic and horribly generic answer like “Oh, you know, work and just hanging out.”  I mean I’m having a lot of fun all the time, I go out and do things, my life doesn’t suck. But then why do I find myself giving this sort of dull answer? It makes sense if I’m talking to an acquaintance that I don’t know that well – no one’s going to launch into a long story or personal details with someone they hardly know.  But giving this type of response to long time friends and family members? Totally unacceptable.

Thus, this blog is mainly for selfish reasons. Right now I’m feeling like I need some reassurance that I have important things to say and that I can be fascinating. Hopefully I can also entertain some people along the way. I absolutely love telling stories (and think I’m pretty good at it <<pat on the back>>). I love captivating people’s attention, and making them laugh. For me, one of the best compliments I can receive is to be told I’m funny.  I’m not sure if I’ll be able have the same effect through writing, but I’ll give it a go. I just want to tell some of my favorite stories, share some thoughts, and have a creative outlet in my life.

I should probably let you know why my blog is called And Then I Ate Cheese Fries. First, just like thinking of an awesome trivia team name which is so often my job, thinking of a blog title is hard and there's a lot of pressure. So lay off. Second, basically anyone who’s anyone knows I love cheese fries. Third, if you add “And then Lauren ate cheese fries” (feel free to sub in pizza rolls, or taquitos, or a cookie cake) to the end of any story I share on here it will be 100% true.

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