Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fainting LOL Cats

Back when yours truly was a Junior in college, a lot of  unsettling events were taking place: SARS was running rampant, Johnny Cash died, Iraq was invaded, and Avril Lavigne and Stacy's Mom were at the top of the charts. We were all in need of something magical to lift our spirits. We got just that when Chubtoad and myself were channel surfing and happened upon a story about these fellows:

It was pretty life changing and I still laugh really hard every time I think about those poor little goats getting startled. I would trade my your first born for a chance to meet one in real life and scare the shit out of it. Many, many times.

Then, a couple weeks ago, Chubtoad sends me a link that is even better than the goats: pathetic, helpless kittens with fainting goat syndrome!!!!!!!!1! OMG. If you don't LOL while watching this video then you most definitely have zero emotion and no sense of humor and you are in fact a robot. Actually that's not even true. I showed this video to my robot pals and they laughed so hard they cried. And then they rusted. Then they died. It was actually kind of a tragic event and I'm really not over it yet so thanks for bringing it up, jerkface. Anyway, just watch this video because it is incredible:

1 comment:

  1. Those goats for SURE make me LOL, but the kitties make me want to cry, and then feel like a terrible person when they make each other topple over and I can't help but laugh. Thanks for making me feel bad about myself. Thanks.
