Friday, July 8, 2011

Best Commercials in the History of Television. Ever.

Ok that title may be a bit of an overstatement. Which is odd because I never exaggerate.

Most of the time we are trying to avoid commercials by flipping channels or DVRing, but every once in a while a commercial comes along that you actually try not to avoid. This is by no means a comprehensive list, just a complication of some of my favorite funny commercials that have stuck with me from the last few years (and that I also constantly quote, and usually no one knows what I'm talking about ...which is pretty standard).

Burger King - I'm Spicy/What Time Is It?
Burger King has a pretty great history of commercials. I really enjoyed the ones featuring The King being a creepster. But my favorite round of BK ads were with the office crew circa 2004. Some even featured my husband, Joel McHale! These 2 are tied for ones I quote the most:

Sonic - Driving Me to the Movies!
Sonic also has a great repertoire of commercials. Most of the car ones are fantastic and I especially love this one:

Honda Element - I Peench!
I don't know why I like that little crab so much, but I do. You know, I've got some melted butter and some tongs in here...

Sonic the Hedgehog - Real Hedgehog Being Directed
It's so adorable. The best part is when the guy yells at the hedgehog with the megaphone.

Those are the ones that came to mind right now. I'm sure I'll think of some others later. Feel free to share some of your favorites!

P.S. Sorry for neglecting the blog lately. I’ve actually had a ton of work to do at work -- crazy, I know. Anyway, I’ll try to be better, I promise. I love you all. Cheese fries 4 life. 


  1. We would kick those Sonic peoples' asses at Catch Phrase

