Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Girl's Best Friend: Chips Raylan Walker

I'd been deliberating about getting a dog since I moved into an apartment that allowed them about a year and a half ago. I finally decided I was responsible enough and willing to change my life style enough in order to accommodate dog ownership. I didn't want to get a dog just to get one so I started browsing shelter websites and resolved to wait until the right one came along.

Then I saw him. A 20lb corgi / shiba inu mix named Winston. Winston was available the following Saturday. There was no reserving dogs – they were on a first come, first serve basis and a sign up would be posted on the door starting at 6am. I bribed Kristin with beef jerky and donuts and we made the trek out to Huntley at 4:30am. We arrived to the middle of nowhere at about 5:45am. There was one other car in the parking lot. The sign up was placed on the door at 6am, we exited our cars and approached the door. I asked the other guy what dog he was there for. At first he didn't want to tell me and was avoiding the question so I asked him several times if he knew what first come, first served meant. I explained to him that if we were there for the same dog he was obviously going to get it since his name was above mine on the sign up. He could at least have the courtesy of telling me so that I didn't have to wait in my car for 3 hours with false hope. After a minor amount of bullying by myself and another girl who had shown up he of course said he was there for Winston. He then proceeded to tell us that he and his wife had driven from Michigan and camped out in their car overnight. With my head hung low I got back in my car. Kristin and I sadly concluded that if they had put in the effort to drive all that way and sleep in their car over night it was pretty much assured they would be going home with Winston. We didn't want to wait in the car for 3 hours until adoptions started at 9am just to go home empty handed. We drove back to the city disappointed, sobbing and listening to "Everybody Hurts" on repeat. That last part didn't really happen, but we were pretty bummed.

I'm sure Winston turned out to be a complete terror and has completely destroyed that couple's house and everything that they love.

I took a break from looking at dogs for a few weeks to mend my broken heart but my desire to get a dog was still strong and I soon began browsing again. And I saw Nash, the cutest 16 lb corgi /sheltie mix at a shelter out in Homer Glen. I didn't want to miss the opportunity to get him so I called in sick to work the next day (employee of the year!) and went to go meet him. He was adorable and sweet and I knew he was my dog. I handed over my credit card to the staff who acted like I was really putting them out the entire time to look at the dog and ask a couple questions. They gave me a leash and collar and sent us on our way. In retrospect, I'm really glad I rescued him from that shelter. I feel bad for all shelter dogs but some have it better than others and this shelter was so dirty, and gross, and the staff seemed like they hated being there so I was really happy to get my dog out of there. He was so dirty and smelled so bad that I had to drive with my windows down for an hour on the highway in February.

I immediately went to the vet to get him checked out. He got some medicine for kennel cough but other than that the vet said he was very healthy. Then we went home. Our home! I promptly began teaching him his new name: Chips. I also replaced most song lyrics with "chips" so that he learned it even faster. The name comes from the dog in one of my favorite movies, Dawn of the Dead. Plus it's just a really cute name. So without further ado, here's my boy!

Screw you Winston, Chips 2.0 is so much better!

Sometimes he's very sleepy:

He's a big Illini fan!

I-L-L !

Sometimes he thinks he's a cat:

He had to get neutered and he was very unhappy while he had to wear a cone for a week:

I'm pathetic :(

Sometimes he's super naughty. Like when he ate my sweater. Or when he tries to bite the face off of every dog he sees. Or when he peed on my scrapbooks. Or when he bit a hole in my new air mattress. At least his Aunt Linds took a cute video of him jumping around on the half deflated mattress:

He's silly and funny and sweet and cuddly and sometimes a huge pain in the butt and quirky and adorable. I love him and he's the best decision I ever made! 

Always accepting applications for new friends!

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